Schoolbag (Schulmappe)
This school bag you got here is bursting with knowledge. Send your best wishes to your loved ones and simultaneously support children around the world to get access to the education they deserve. Schoolbags, pens and other essential utensils will be supplied, enabling young people to achieve their goals. So keep on packing!
Dieses Geschenk wirkt dort, wo das Geld gerade am nötigsten gebraucht wird: insbesondere in Oxfams Nothilfe- und Entwicklungsprojekten sowie in Kampagnen für eine gerechte Welt ohne Armut.
Verschenkst Du ein Geschenk von OxfamUnverpackt, so ist dies als Spende steuerlich abzugsfähig.
27 €
Weitere Geschenke
Hier entlang, um noch mehr Freude zu verbreiten!
This school bag you got here is bursting with knowledge. Send your best wishes to your loved ones and simultaneously support children around the world to get access to the education they deserve. Schoolbags, pens and other essential utensils will be supplied, enabling young people to achieve their goals. So keep on packing!